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The State of Kuwait signed the (Paris Agreement) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in the United States in April 2016. This is a historic step because it limits the global warming ٬ and keeping it below two degrees Celsius. The convention requires all parties to implement national programs and measures to control greenhouse gas emissions, adapt the impacts of climate change, and encourage the development and use of technologies that do not harm the climate, education, public awareness lead to the removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, and cooperation with other parties to achieve this purpose.

The Kuwaiti environment, like the rest of the world, faces the effects of climate changes, which are mainly due to human mismanagement of the environment. The Kuwaiti government supports international efforts to confront the phenomenon of climate change. Kuwait has already started using clean energy sources as a measure to alleviate this phenomenon in addition to encouraging sustainable practices that achieve this goal, including reducing the intensity of heat in the heart of Kuwait City the capital and other crowded cities, which is known as the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE). The oil sector in Kuwait has also launched a strategy to manage greenhouse gas emissions in the sector’s various facilities in an effort to reduce these emissions.

Green Roofs 

The State of Kuwait signed the (Paris Agreement) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in the United States in April 2016. This is a historic step because it limits the global warming ٬ and keeping it below two degrees Celsius. The convention requires all parties to implement national programs and measures to control greenhouse gas emissions, adapt the impacts of climate change, and encourage the development and use of technologies that do not harm the climate, education, public awareness lead to the removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, and cooperation with other parties to achieve this purpose.

The Kuwaiti environment, like the rest of the world, faces the effects of climate changes, which are mainly due to human mismanagement of the environment. The Kuwaiti government supports international efforts to confront the phenomenon of climate change. Kuwait has already started using clean energy sources as a measure to alleviate this phenomenon in addition to encouraging sustainable practices that achieve this goal, including reducing the intensity of heat in the heart of Kuwait City the capital and other crowded cities, which is known as the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE). The oil sector in Kuwait has also launched a strategy to manage greenhouse gas emissions in the sector’s various facilities in an effort to reduce these emissions.

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