Green Wave was established in 2011 as a training and consulting institution in the field of environment, energy and sustainability. It aims of providing labors in private sector, government, and individuals with high-quality expertise and training skills. We provide TRAINING COURSES in the following fields:
Training Courses in Environmental Management.
Training Courses in Green Practices.
Training Courses in Waste Management.
Training Courses in Water and Wastewater.
Training Courses in Environmental Health.
Training Courses in Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE).

Training course in Over view in EIA
Training course in Scoping, Screening and Terms of Reference Development for EIA
Training course in Preparation of EIA Report
Training course in Reviewing the EIA Report
Training course in Public Participation of EIA
Training course in Integrated Environmental Assessment (IEA)
Training course in Modern Techniques in EIA for Industrial Projects
Training course in Environmental Auditing
Training course in ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems
Training course in Environmental Public Awareness (PA)
Training course in State of Environment Reporting (SOER)
Training course in Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA)
Training course in Estimation the Cost of Environmental Degradation
Training course in Environmental Risk Assessment
Training course in Design and Construction Project Management And Processes and Quality-Audit Checklist per ISO10006:1997(E)

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
Eco Labeling for Products
Green Wayfinding Elements: Green Signage, Street Furniture and Environmental Graphics Design
Green Schools and Classes
Green Offices and Green Restaurants
Environmental Action for Automotive Servicing and Repairs
Green Wedding Planning

Medical Waste Management
Solid Waste Management (Transfer, Recycling, Storage, Export, Processing, and Clearance)
Waste-To-Energy (WTE)
Hazardous Waste Management
Chemical Safety Training Modules
Management of Pesticides and Treatment of Pesticides Poisoning
Hazardous Goods Handling and Storage

Waste Water Treatment
Evaluation of the performance of WWTP
Industrial Wastewater Treatment Techniques
How to collect water samples from sources and carry out analysis in laboratory and the field

Energy Management Systems - ISO 50001
RE and PV Solar Panels
Waste-To-Energy (WTE)
Convert Waste Cooking Oil to Biodiesel
Water and Energy Efficiency in Schools

Food Safety
Basic Environmental Health
Training of Health Inspectors and Supervisors
Environmental Health in Emergencies and Disasters
The Impacts of Electromagnetic Waves and Telecom Towers on Health and Environment
Radioactive Contamination

Standards for General Industry
Standards for Construction Industry
Guide to Industrial Hygiene
Electrical Standards
Fall Protection
Public Warehousing and Storage
Evacuation and Emergency Planning
Fire Detection and Protection
Fire fighting in petroleum laps
Securing and safeguarding Oil Installations
The protection of Facilities from Fire Hazards
Hand Fire Extinguishers
Methods of Securing the Oil Tanks
Advanced Security Program- Securing oil Installations against Various Security Risks
Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE) specific for Oil and Gas Industry (Raed Halaseh)
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