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ISO 14001: EMS

1 h
50 US dollars

Service Description

OVERVIEW The current concern for the environment has never been greater. Turn on any newscast, read any newspaper, or scan any of the top stories on your favorite Internet site and you are likely to find at least one article discussing global warming, the change of climate, the rising price and scarcity of oil, or the need for alternative energy sources. Now, while almost all scientists agree that humans are impacting on the environment, the debate now centers on what the effects of this impact will be. Interestingly enough, most scientists also agree that these effects, in whatever form they take, will for practical purposes be irreversible if we do not act quickly. But what can we do right now? The answer is voluntary environmental performance improvement beyond compliance in order to achieve sustainable development. It was for this reason that the international community developed ISO 14001. The ISO 14001 standard provides a model for companies to use in developing a management system that moves beyond compliance toward sustainable development. The real benefit of ISO 14001 is that it can significantly improve an organization’s environmental performance while greatly improving its bottom line at the same time. This training program demonstrates that the design and implementation of an ISO 14001 EMS need not be complicated or costly. The focus is on getting a basic yet effective EMS in place with minimal effort which can be integrated with other management functions and assists companies in meeting their environmental and economic goals so that the organization can move quickly toward the environmental performance improvements that will be needed to meet the growing international demand for corporate environmental stewardship. Throughout this training program, the focus is on the actions needed to generate corporate-wide support and involvement in environmental performance improvement. The training program covers thoroughly ISO 14001:2004 and provides training on how to establish and maintain an EMS based on the “Plan-Do-Check-Act” model. It should be taken by all relevant managers and staff of any organization (public or private) committed to controlling its environmental impact and liability exposure, enhancing its image and market share, and achieving regulatory compliance.

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